Thursday, April 30, 2009

VA Beach and non damn bliss

As I mentioned briefly in my last post I would come back for a follow up to my trip to VA Beach and finding Spahffic Bliss. However, this trip for me wasn’t about either one. I know I’m confusing things, however allow me to explain. I met a young lady a few days ago; and after a few telephone conversations and doing the dance of exchanging pictures, she invited me to go with to Virginia Beach. My initial gut reaction was, “I don’t want to go”. Usually I’m psyched about getting out of the city to see some water and sand (not that we don’t have enough, well water at least), however it was going to be a hot weekend and ignoring my gut I went with it. In the days to come I wasn’t excited about the trip. Since the young lady that invited me didn’t have a car I knew that I would have to pull the almost three hour trip behind the wheel by myself. So you know I was a little sour about that one. Not wanting to send out any negative vibes, I swallowed a get happy pill and kept things moving.

I knew I had to get a lot accomplish before the mini get-away so on the eve of the trip I spent time cleaning my room, finishing putting together a dresser I purchased from IKEA which sat in my room for two weeks half assembled, washed clothes and entertaining the young lady on the phone that I previously informed that I had MUCH to do before we left on Friday afternoon. After a short conversation and ignoring her text messages, I finished the dresser and my other chores. When Friday rolled around I was functioning off of 5 hours of sleep. I knew this was crazy as I was well aware of the journey ahead. I’m already quiet by nature and without my required 7 to 8 hours I can be damn near ghost and not cordial. Again I had to perk my ass up because I didn’t want to come off being one.

Once I was done washing the car, running to the bank, scooting to my mom’s job and grabbing a quick bite I headed to DC to pick up the young lady. We finally meet face to face body to body. During the drive which seemed endless there was non stop talking mostly done by my travel buddy, I wanted to keep the driving moving so I interjected a couple of head nods, mmmhmmms, ohs and yeah yeah. This was going to be a long ass weekend. We arrived at the very nice Crowne Royal Plaza which located in the middle of “everything that is nothing”. The hotel is aptly decked out with it art deco décor, perfect feng shui and huge marble counters with a marble fountain holding large colorful fish. I was happy to see that she requested two double beds. She informed me that she didn’t want to be presumptuous and I thought to myself, “good idea”. The first day was shot as we spent hours in the mall because she didn’t like her wardrobe so to award me for my patience she treated me to dinner and a movie. During the movie she made constant commentary. No, no number 1 on my list: Do not talk to me during a movie, just because you paid doesn’t mean I want to hear you. I don’t pay or be treated to hear you talk. You’re not the one on the damn screen. So let’s just say I was irritated.

On the way back to the hotel she said, “You don’t talk much.” And my response was, “We were in a movie theater.” Enough said. When we arrived back to the hotel I was ready for bed. She asked me if I was good at giving massages and I thought to myself, “Oh here we come with this bull shit.” I responded with a quick, “I do well for an amateur.” So in ten minutes I was giving a massage I didn’t want or feel like giving and if anyone should have been having their legs, back and ass rubbed it should have been me. Yet it is tacky to ask for massage, massages are better when the person giving says, “Baby let me give you a massage.” That’s when you know they are going to enjoy giving you a massage and the shit doesn’t seem like work. The next day we ventured through town doing much of the same as Friday. That evening her “House” was throwing an event at Nutty Buddys, Norfolk Virginia’s most popular gay club. I’m glad we didn’t stay long because I wasn’t used to being in smoke filled clubs and my drink of Jack and Ginger was watered down to the floor. I spent most of the evening struggling to breathe through one nostril! She made plans for us to go to church, however I was glad those plans didn’t come through because I wanted to get on the road as soon as possible and end this trip. I know I sound like a selfish as child but sometimes my OCS (Only Child Syndrome) kicks in and I can get into the “get out of my space and stop talking to me moments.” Shit I’m human!

I’m going to tell you honey, I didn’t know Ms. Hyundai good push the way she was pushing. Once we hit 95 baby was like, “awww shieeet let’s go!” and that is what we did. I know I was doing at least 100 if not more. I was so happy when we hit 395 north I didn’t know what the hell to do. Within minutes I dropped the young lady off. She eluded that she didn’t want to go in the house and asked me what I was going to do. I told her I needed to make one more stop and then I was heading in. After a quick and I mean quick good bye I headed to my sanctuary to my relief, Malcolm X Park to decompress and release.

I will say that I learned a lot about myself and what I like in an individual, what I’m willing to put up and what I like and need to work on within myself. It has been four days since I’ve spoken to the young lady, outside of a couple of text messages I haven’t nor has she made an effort to talk. However, being the adult I know that I will need to make the first move… What the hell I will say I don’t know. I’ll just let it flow naturally and speak my truth.